How to Disable Video Auto Play Feature on Facebook - Mobile Entertainment Corner

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Monday 3 December 2018

How to Disable Video Auto Play Feature on Facebook

How to Disable Video Auto Play Feature on Facebook

This book has auto-enabled all playbacks for all users. Now if a user scrolls his timeline, the video starts running automatically without the sound of the video.
Auto-play feature also harm users' bandwidth and consumers have to face more problems on the slow Internet. Due to this feature, mobile users can get more bids.

Disable this feature of Facebook is not too much difficult.
First of all, use Facebook on the web to go to Settings or click here to go directly to Settings.
Go to the video settings page and turn off.

Mobile users can also use Autoplay feature only on WiFi. To disable it, first open the Facebook application. Tap on the settings icon. Scroll down in the settings and get down at the bottom. Then tap video auto tap and off on off.

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