facebook tricks secrets - Mobile Entertainment Corner

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Monday 3 December 2018

facebook tricks secrets

Over one billion users use Facebook, but many users do not know all the Facebook functions. That's why we are giving you suggestions from Facebook, which allows you to improve your privacy.

1.Disable Read Receipt

You can be quite comfortable by disabling Read Receipt. Due to this feature your friends know that you have read their message.

After that, as long as you answer your friend, it will be more likely to be angry. No option in Facebook to disable read receipt. For this you have to use third-party tools or plugins. There are tools such as Facebook Unseen App and Crossrider's Chat Undetected.
These are only available for desktop chrome, firefox or explorer.

2.How to switch a loop connection?

Last Seen's option in Messenger also tells your friends that when you were last seen on the Messenger. The easiest way to get rid of this feature is that you can use Facebook to send messengers to messengers.

3.How do your friends look like your profile?

If you want to see how public or your friends see your profile, click on the right icon icon on the top right of the notification icon at the top of this.
After clicking Who View your Content? By clicking View As below, you can see how the public will see your profile. Here you click View View Specific Person. By doing the name of any friend by clicking the name, you can check out how it will look for your profile.

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