what is a web hosting service, types of web hosting - Mobile Entertainment Corner

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Tuesday 11 December 2018

what is a web hosting service, types of web hosting

What is Web Hosting?
World wide web site sites are created with HTML, graphics and multimedia etc. and web-based web sites (computers) on which these files are kept. Internet users from your site can not be able to retain unless you upload your website to a web server. As well as web servers, web server should be connected directly to the web server. The companies that provide web hosting are called web hostes.
How to choose a Web Host?
The choice of the Web Host depends on your need to:
How will your website be?
What types of technologies will be used in site preparation?
What is this?
Do not you want to do online business?
What kind of viewer is the site being made for?
How long will the site be upgraded?
Set a list of all such questions. This list will help you choose your host.
The choice of thousands of web hostages is definitely difficult to choose from. However, in this case, the following suggestions will be helpful and will guide you in the best web host selection.

Types of Hosting

Web hosting has been divided into different types with the development of the hosting industry. Before you choose the Web Host, it will be useful to know about them. Basically you have to choose one of the hosting hosted and dedicated hosting for web hosting.
Distributed Hosting or Virtual Hosting
Other sites with your site in hosted hosting are hosted on the same server and share bandwidth share with other websites. This means that more visitors visit a hosted host on a server. Your site may be affected. Since server hosting is responsible for hosting companies in distributed hosting, you can not run or install customized applications on server normally. Also, there are several hundred signals on shared hosting regarding the security.
Because of this type of hosting, because many customers use the same server and the cost of hosting company services can be distributed among them, that's why it costs a lot. According to the General Manager, if your site is expected to be expected Distributed hosting is definitely for you if the number is less than 1000 daily.
Co-located hosting
In Located Hosting, you provide the server according to your needs and provide the hosting company. The Yahoo company will provide the server with the provider you provide. The hosting company in LuCode is responsible for maintaining the network only, while maintenance of the server is your own responsibility. This type of hosting only uses large companies. This is the first requirement of companies that run a sensitive type of application or feel vulnerable to keeping your data on another server.

 Dedicated hosting
A dedicated server is dedicated to your site in dedicated hosting and you have complete access to a server like your own computer. You can also host multiple sites on dedicated hosting. Server maintenance is also responsible for the hosting company. However, this type of hosting is suitable for the site on which the expected number of viewers is more than 1000 because web site visitors in the dedicated web host will not be using common bandwidth with common people. So the site opens fast.
Dedicated hosting can also be divided into two categories. One Managed and Unmanaged Second In the first instance, the responsibility of server care, security, data backup etc. is hosted. But in other words, you all have to do it yourself. Unmanaged server is selected on very little occasions. Because it is a difficult task for any company or person to manage the server remotely. Especially when multiple services are running together on the server.
Hosting company can also be made by purchasing dedicated hosting, which facilitates shared hosting to other organizations.

Free hosting

Is it possible to get free hosting?
Yes you can get free web hosting. But free web hosting users usually put different types of advertisements on the site and can not be fully trusted as long as free services are available. It may be possible that you may open your site after a month, then a big ad is triggering your mouth. Customer support is also unavailable. If you believe your site will never develop and you do not mind the site's maintenance and you are not even concerned about advertising on the site, you can use your eyes on free hosting. Yes, if you are an IT student, open your mind and create a free hosting account and try to learn more. The biggest disadvantage of free hosting is that you do not receive custom development information on the server. If you want to make a website that is created in cold fusion, you will not get free hosting of cold fusion by searching for the internet. Also, if you are looking for a free database of MySQL server on the Internet, then it's hard to try again.
A short list of free web hostes and descriptions you can see in this article. Search Google.com for more hosts.

Up time

As long as the Web Host servers provide service, or as long as the web hosting server is active or the hosted site is available on the Internet, it's called the time. And it's very important to have 300 hundred and fifty-five days of the year online. No matter how good your site is and how good it is to search engine rankings, but if your Web Host is unable to provide good speed and uptime, the site is never a good audience. Can do And the non-focus of the viewer is poisonous killer for a website.
One of the best web hosting times is 99.99%, but if a host claims to provide you 100% uptime, it's definitely wrong. Although it can be said that the web host is capable of keeping up to 100% of servers, but no guarantee can be avoided. The server may get anytime in connection with network error, hacking, software or hardware error, other than electrical issues, for many other reasons.
Never buy a hosting of the hosting company whose time is less than 99.5, because you certainly do not want your site to be low. Furthermore, make sure that your expected web hosting company has a close closed bulletin to prevent unwanted people or hackers and they closely monitor their security and keep it updated as needed. Are there


The easiest way to check the speed is to open a command prompt and ping your host. If average response is up to 80 millimeters then you are definitely going to choose the best host.
Before networking, discover them about network connections that they are connecting with one of the national backbone or they have more chances? In case of a backbone being downloaded, how much time they need to be shifted to another backup. Web hosters typically use T1 connection, which have a speed of 1.5Mbs, but use good web hosting T3 or OC24 connections that can send data from 45Mbs and even more rapidly. Today the peering technology is available in the market, with which the web host is using more than one connection and more than 50% of traffic connections on one connection, the server starts using another connection under automatic system. In such a way, users can quickly visit your website as soon as possible. It is also called load balancing. Is your anticipated host using this technology?
Choose a hosting company that is using at least T3 connection. Of course, due to other slow-motion connections, users will face difficulty viewing the website.

 Web space

The web space is a place that surrounds your site on the web server's hard disk. How much do you need for your web? Can your host provide you with the desired capacity? Did no limit be set for a particular extension file on the web site? These are the questions that should be discovered from any hosting company.
Free Web Hosts often set a limit for a particular extension file. You can not upload ajax cabbage files to free web hostes. Also the size of the file is set on the size of the file. Due to this limit, you can only upload a few hundred kilowatty files.
Here, also keep in mind that Web Hostes claim unlimited or several GB websites to get your attention, but have you used several GB space? For the medium-sized websites, it will definitely be in the "no". However, sites where multimedia files have been used will definitely require more space. Similarly, if you offer different software or files for Download Lo Ding, you will need more space. Usually a business site requires less than 10 MB or less, never miss the host due to capacity only.

 Fpt x

The FTP file is exposed to the transfer protocol. Just as the HTTP transfers web pages to the Internet, similarly it is used to deliver files on the FTP Internet. For this convenience, you can download and download the file from your web host to FTP client or Internet Explorer because the Web Designer does not have access to FTP access but it is unavailable for professionals. I always recommend the host that provides online transfer manager with FTP. Choosing such a host can certainly be useful in future, which provides multiple FTP accounts. If there is also facility for setting up directory level skills on the FTP Account, then the stove will be stuck.

Traffic or bandwidth

Data transfer is a number of bibliographers transmitted from the web server to the visitor's browser. Whenever a visitor visits your site, he will use some bandwidth of the overall bandwidth set for your site. The maximum number of mega or gigabyte web site's web browsers is allowed to be available throughout your month, this is called bandwidth.

The question is how many bandwidths will be available to you. It depends on your site's design and visitor's number. 1 GB for personalized sites, and bandwidth is 2 to 8 GB for business sites. Big corporate websites like or! And hundreds of hundreds of byte bit bandwidths use Google. The computing website currently uses bandwidth over average 30 GHz by month. Since the number of visitor increases over time, it is expected that more bandwidth will be required in the future.
In order to determine how bandwidth you need for your website, a simple way is to keep all web pages and attachments and other files in a folder. Find the overall size of the folder and divide it with the number of files in the folder. This way you will find average size for each file. Now multiply this size with the number of visitor visitors. You will be able to know at least how many bandwidth will be spent. Hosting companies usually provide 1GB to 5GB bandwidth. This bandwidth will be enough for your site if you do not have a site than you or that.
Some companies claim to be unlimited bandwidth. Be sure to provide unlimited bandwidth is almost impossible because hosting companies that provide bandwidth to you, pay for it. So how can the company give you a free waiver of unlimited bandwidth usage? So do not quit unlimited bandwidth claims.

 Web server operating system

Is the web server operating system important? Of course, depending on how you want to host the web on the operating system, if you want to use an ASP, ASSP, NT, Microsoft Exchange or SQL Server etc., except the microsoft windows No way. Similarly, Linux servers are compatible with PHP and MySQL. In Unix servers, you can gain more security with some feature sacrifices, and just because your window is installed in your system, it's wrong to buy Windows hosting better.
Remember that in the past many technologies specific to Linux, PHP and MySQL etc. are now available not only for windows, but also their performance is not less than Linux. Similarly, with some third-party tools, ASP and ASP Dot Net can be used on Linux.
Since Microsoft Windows is an expensive software and the hosting company installs its license and installs it in its servers, its hosting is also very expensive. Since Linux is almost free, its hosting is also cheap. Over time, this difference is getting very low because now very powerful servers are available that can run hundreds of thousands of websites at the same time. Therefore, Windows operating systems are not considered to be expensive on the user.
However, regardless of the need for your website, consider the web server operating system's choice. In the case of an incorrect choice, the website may cause incredible trouble.

Control Panel

The control panel provides an interface that allows you to access, faster and easily access to different features of a web server. Most provide a host of graphic user interface-style controls that make you access to email management, website statistics, database management, bandwidth, and many other features. They also have different types of web server operating systems, such as C panel, Anonymous, Helm and Plasma. The c-panel interface is user-friendly and it is the most used. Find out about your expected hosting company.

>  Technical Support

Will you provide technical support to the host you are going to choose? Has the help been provided 24/7? How will the help be provided? In this era of technology, the importance of telephonic communication is uncertain. Discover your host if they will provide telephonic support, and if the toll free number is allocated for help, it will be extra good. Some of the best web hostes also help you through a chat chat. The best way to test technical support standards is that you can call Etiquette in the afternoon or find through the chat how long you get the answer. Some host provide very affordable hosting but in the help of help, the bills of the type put you in your food. I would suggest you avoid them.
Support of companies that often provide relevant content or online FAQs with the hosting account is relatively better than competitors and if you do not find any way to contact the site of the hosting company, do not try to re-visit the site again.

 Backup time

Although you keep your web back on a hard drive, but if you're modifying online at the site, you'll definitely want your site to be backed up. Discover your expected host to back up sites in a month. If you are using a database, then be sure to discover the database backups. It's a common thing to crash the database. Especially in the free database management system. In this case the backup of the database can bring you into your life. Good hosts take backups of daily websites and databases. Some hosts take backups every week and some take back every month. You should buy hosting from a company that will back up once at least once a week.

SSL Security and Shopping Cart

You need a skilled socket layer if you are creating a e-commerce web site or you want to send data from your site that requires a lot of security. This is actually a protocol that displays sites in http: // rather than https: //. In this protocol the data from the server transfers the user to the encrypted format. This way saving from hacking and cracking. SSL is inevitable if your credit card or shopping cart is used on your site. Users never give their credit card information on any web site that does not contain SSL.

Email account

If you're creating your site, you'll definitely like to create your domain email account. Will you provide an email account with hosting? Will you be provided facilities like auto receiver and mail froducing? Will you receive your mail from an email client? Usually ten email accounts are provided with hosting if they require more than one account, what will be their expenses? Ask all of these questions from the hosting company.

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