If your Android phone runs hot slow and has poor battery life - Mobile Entertainment Corner

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Monday 3 December 2018

If your Android phone runs hot slow and has poor battery life

If your Android phone runs hot slow and has poor battery life

If your Android phone is slow and it gets too hot or it's low battery time, it may be due to crackdown jacking. That is, a hacker has hacked your phone and is using it for currency exchange card. Such things do those who solve mathematical equality and get bitterness and other charity money. These mathematical equations are used to verify corruption transit.

During this process a good processing power is required. This processing power is much more than a smartphone processing power.
Hackers in Corp. Jacking get control of many Android devices by connecting their processing power. All this is done by installing virus-based apps in smartphones.

An IT Security Company ESET's researcher says that using the Play Store to bring about 1 million to 5 million downloading of the Bug Swasher game Syphaneen, his phone is being used for corruption of currency corruption. Is.

Such hacking imports have been named as Captain Jacking.
Many applications on the Google Play Store have hidden Trojan horses associated with the CrottoPacy Mine program.
In July, Google had announced that they are prohibiting all corruption sites on the Play Store. But Google really does not know which application has Trojan Horse available for cropping psychiatric mining.
Now as much as the power of power is needed for corruption minimizing corruption, it is often the case that the effect of mobile slowdown, heating, or battery time is reduced. In case of worse than that, the entire handset is always affected by badly.
To avoid this situation, users should update their latest operating system to the latest version of the mobile operating system. In addition, users should install anti-virus programs and no applications should be installed without downloading non-offline source.

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