how to make money on social media sites - Mobile Entertainment Corner

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Friday 7 December 2018

how to make money on social media sites

Talking about social media is currently the biggest and richest website in this regard. Facebook earns well on your content, but you do not get anything from it. Most people write a lot of writing, design graphics, create comks,

Food recipes, give fashion designing advice and make interesting videos from many references and upload them to Facebook, but instead of reputation they get only reputation, this is a very rare step. If your work is very good and there are millions of fans on your page, then an advertisement company may take care of you and advertise your product through your page and pay you for it but Millions of pages are with one page.

For the last few days, Facebook had announced to provide a Tip Jar that people would be able to use Tip Jar on their page. That way those who watch their page will be able to give them a donkey. Like hotels you pay a tip, but also Facebook pages will be able to get a tip, but this feature has not yet come.
There is definitely a way to get Facebook, but for this you should have your website, on which you can show Facebook ads and get money in return, but here's a Facebook connection. Google offers very little money compared to Google's help to show ads. Apart from this, everyone does not even have their own website so they prefer to make a free page.
If YouTube is seen, people have been earning their channels for a long time, but Facebook users are still waiting for any useful feature. If you too are active on social media and want to make it an income source, it will also have to watch websites other than Facebook. Let's tell you some of the social media websites through which income is also possible. Referring to any of these websites, do not get rid of your notes as soon as you go there. There is also a need to work here like every work.
If you can not share or write unique things and you can not wait patiently for your hard work, then our advice is to do not waste your time on those websites. However, if you are serious about this and can regularly give time to work, do not waste your money by posting them, but use our services so you can get your hard work done.
If you are quite active on social media, try BitLanders platforms. Because here, if fans like your writings, pictures, and videos, you will get compensation for a bit in the form of a dinosaur.

You'll definitely know bit buttons that have a digital currency because detailed articles about this will be read in computing. Bitlenders can be registered with their Facebook account, it is also possible if you want to keep your identity hidden.
On bitlenders you can understand your account as a Facebook page. Buzzs that match your articles and photos will increase your score, which you can tell from a Facebook Lex. After counting your Buzz score on the end of each day, instead of them, buttins are added to your account.

Just like Facebook, Word Press, or Twitter etc. is exactly what BitLanders is a social media website. The only difference is that BitLandz plays your hard work.
You can understand the TSU competitors as "The At App". This website also divides the same percentage of its earnings into its users. Like TSU, this is also the most popular social network. On both of these networks you will find large-scale conflicts, especially those who are using these services.

In the case of the At-app Smartphone application, free and available for both Android and iPhone. Earlier it was available as, which was later renamed
This service has a lot of unique features. The latest and unique content is encouraged here, and you are given the option to show which types of ads are displayed with your content. Usually other services do not offer such facilities and include the advertisements of your choice with your content. If you are not interested in earning, you can also close these ads, and if you want your earnings can also help donate to others.Only photos and videos are shared on the social network. If you want to describe a story, it will also have to support the photos or videos. The best features for making stores from the pictures are available here. Your posts posted here can share on Facebook and Twitter etc.

If you create photos and videos through this application, there are also great filters that can make your creativity more flexible so that they like more people and increase your income.
It also provides analytic tools that you can find public popularity of your shared posts.

Of course you will be familiar with tags. Tags are tagged to attach a letter to its subject. So when you post a topic on a social network, the tag written with it gives you easy access to it. When someone searches through this tag, all the letters related to this tag appear before him.

If you can share good posts on social media that you believe that people will not only like them but also share with others, visit the "Blog tags" (3Tags) website.

The Thy tags web site also shares the percentage of its revenue like TSU into its users so that everyone can get their hard work.
Payments from third tags are made in their own currency but they can be replaced by any other country's currency. As shown by its name here, only three tags are allowed to be included with each post. If you do not mind then you will get hurt. Because more than three tags written with any post will delete the workers of the administration here. This may be the main tags that are with the post may be removed because of which your posts could not get accurate results.
So use three tags accurately and appropriate with caution. Try to keep track of the situation and post the tracks that are running and use the corresponding tags so that your post can also be seen by others.

If you can make posts that can be viral, your chances of success can increase even more. Apart from this, there is also a facility in your tags that your posts are also in search engines' crafts. That's not just the users of third tags, but anyone can come to your post, just what a unique and interesting post you post.
To create an account on Threads, go to the following link:

If you believe that there are germs in your journalism and you can write news on different subjects, "Newslines" can prove to be the best platform for you.

This website is publicly developed and operates with the support of the public.
Anyone here can write and write news around the world. Deliciously, it is not necessary for writing news that you can write long-term descriptions, but in any place, the news published in a short and clear way can be sent to publish with original reference.

If you are not even able to write news, there is no reason because there is no restriction here that your news has been very high. The aim here is to collect the latest news from one place to the world.
This website is in English language, so news also requires English. There is no room available in language language, so it is important that the news is accurate in spelling and grammar errors in English.

Here's how to work here:
First need to register on the web site. Then you can send your news to publish. Here, the authors here after reviewing each post decide whether it is worth publishing or not. If your news is published then you can send new news or else you will be sent back to correct with the old news comment.

Writing the news of any incident, it is important to include the date of the incident, short title, short summary, original news source, newsletter or a YouTube video link. Actually you do not have full news, but also write a brief summary of the video on Facebook, Twitter, a newspaper or YouTube on a newsletter. However, reference to Wikipedia or any biography web site is not acceptable.

This website, which was introduced in 2012, initially paid a dollar for every published news, but later the system has been replaced by Google AdSense. It also benefits both websites and writers, because any of their well-written news can be due to more than one dollar earnings.

Ten to twenty posts are allowed daily writing, and since words are only used to use 50 to 100, you can understand that making a news requires a maximum of ten minutes.

If you have good attendance and good grip on English language, working on this website will be very easy for you. See the latest news published on the English website of any reliable news, with all the details and send it to the publication. It's better if you keep track of topics that are popular.
TSU is currently a very popular social network. The reason is that TSU distributes nine percent of its revenue to users.

You must first have an account on TSU but the account can not be directly, but you require a number of invitations. Before making an account, remember one thing that there is no space for spammers here, if you try to share the contents of the others here, you will be immediately discontinued. Actually its aim is to collect only real and standard content here.

Here's an example to stop spamming: There is no permission for more than twelve posts to be posted in the day.You can also understand this website as Facebook, but it is not here to share a link to your website here, but also have to write it whole, whether text-based, video Or photo.

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